Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the New IFB?
The New IFB is a group of Independent Fundamentalist Baptists (IFB) that are pushing an extremely dangerous view of Christianity. They regularly preach homophobia, hate, misogyny, anti-semitism, and much more. The IFB movement because in the late 19th and early 20th century as a way to branching of from denomenational baptists [1]
Why is the NIFB a Cult?
The BITE model has 4 categories of control that cults use to regulate their members: Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional Control. The New IFB hits all four of these categories and it is evident in all their sermons that they are using these control methods to maintain their congregation.
Who is invovled in this cult?
There are several NIFB Churches internationally. There are 25 in the US, 5 in other countries, and a growing list of youtube personalities. This cult is expanding everyday so this list is subject to change.
What is the MASA Conference?
The “Make America Straight Again” conference is being hosted by the Revival Baptist Church in Florida. The dates were selected to coincide with the Pulse Nightclub tragedy as a way of celebrating the deaths of innocent people. They are using this conference as a platform to spread their hate to more people.
How Can I Help?
You can contact us and we can let you know how to help us out. We always need information about any of the New IFB Pastors, Churches, or Youtube Personalitys listed on the NIFB Churches page.
You can always just email [email protected] to get in touch as well.

Protest at Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth This Weekend (June 23, 2019)

Make America Straight Again – Tips for Protesting Peacefully

Detective Grayson Fritts Investigated for a call to execute LGBT people

NIFB Pastor Tommy McMurtry Prays for Violence at MASA Conference