NIFB Beliefs

Anti-LGBT Hate Group
This NIFB has several prominent churches being labled by the SPLC as hate groups. They firmly stand on the position that members of the LGBT community should be executed by the government. They glorified the Pulse Nightclub shooting and celebrated innocent people being killed. They regularly have whole sermons dedicated to LGBT hate.

This NIFB pushes very misogynistic ideals. They require women to be subservient to men. They also go as far as to dictate what women are allowed to wear. They also hold to the ideals of the Quiverfull movement in that they never use contraception. This forces the women to become stay-at-home moms without any actual choice in the matter.

This NIFB is very anti-semitic. They have a lot of rhetoric centered around Holocaust denial and general advocacy against the Jewish people.